So, today started off pretty interesting...Jeremy, Blaine, Christi, Mary and Charlotte at the 6:00am class were moving pretty fast
Jeremy "6:00am pace setter" did not realize you had to do lunges 2x (back n forth 2x). He sure did he make it up on the 2nd round. That sure did not stop him from speeding through the WOD!
Then, we had the "OBMF" the "pace setter" at the 5:30 class whom managed to get moving around the crowd.
Sara & Iris keep working on those pull-ups girls!! You Rock!
And ofcourse we had one hell of a 6:30pm class! I ended up being right in front of Dr.K again on the pull-ups and he sure did remind me not to hit him this time!! Some of us got delusional and almost ran into each other while lunging outside.
Oh, and Laura at 6:30 pm class wanted to be the overachiever today! She did an extra round of lunges!! Give her credit?...hmm, maybe add 2 more minutes to her time, so Eduardo says!
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Compare Time to 6/22/9
This was a fast paced WOD! I invited a co-workers husband, Miquel, to join us @ 6am. I think he was impressed by the level and intensity of these workouts. Everyone made him feel welcomed. For now he is working out of town and has started looking for a x-fit near his work site. Hopefully he can join us on the weeks he is here in Corpus. For being his first time @ x-fit he kept up the pace with every one else. The first time I did x-fit I barely did 2 rounds out of 5 and then could not move for a week. Good job Miquel!! My time on 6/22 was 24:24,61, my time today was 18:20,08. That is approx 6mins faster!!! YEAH!!!!