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Hey Everyone! Be sure that you log in Every Day and post your times to the WOD Blog for that day!

We'll be assigning each WOD a number and including it in the blog titles so that you can easily locate a specific WOD when we do it again - this will allow you to compare your current time to previous times for that WOD.

Example - let's say that we assigned today's WOD # 1001. The Blog Title would read
"Thursday, 5/7 WOD# 1001".

When we do the same workout again in a month or so, we will post a note to compare your time to WOD 1001. Then, all you'll need to do is use the "Blog Search" function in the upper left hand corner or the Blog Archive to the right to locate the blogs from when we've previously done that WOD, and you can check all of your previous times for WOD # 1001! . . .but if you don't post your time to the comments, it won't be there for you to reference ;)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wed 7/1/09 WOD #1002

Push yourself to finish strong. Thrust around how many rounds???

Compare Time to 5/7/9

Ok...had to have a lil piece..yummy...after all it is my birthday (Pamela)

Post Your Time and Comments


  1. Happy Birthday Pam.....hope you have a good one. Your cake does look yummy. My thighs just got bigger looking at it!!LOL

  2. Happy Birthday Pam... hope you do get to eat a slice of that cake. It does look delicious.

  3. She already did!!! Thats why you cant see the whole cake in the picture!!! LOL

  4. Hey Pam, Hope you are still enjoying your birthday. Hope Eduardo takes you out for a special dinner and then have more cake!!
    BTW... Not so sure about the wod... was it the heat or just me but I had a tough time w/this one!

  5. Darn! I missed Thrusters?!?!? Oh Well! I'll be going for a run this evening instead. . .couldn't drag my rear end out of bed this morning. .

    Wow Pam - that cake looks AWESOME! I'm drooling just looking at it ;) Hope you had a great birthday!!

  6. Hey Christie the color for tomorrow is orange!

  7. LOL..you guys are hilarious..Thanks everyone, you guys are the best!! I really enjoyed my birthday. Eduardo and I will be spending the weekend together in San Antonio, we didn't have much time today. I did have a slice of that cake..yummy. The WOD did seem crazy today. I will be taking on tomorrow's WOD. 5:30 and 6:30 class were feeling it!

  8. Breaking news!!!
    The residents of the Torture Chamber just got a Promotion!!! Since they have been in the chamber long enough, They just received a 10% increase! Talk to me about details on how to collect another 10%!! get your butts out of there ASAP!

  9. Pam what happened to the top part of the cake?
    Happy Birthday.
