Another benchmark WOD means another chance to get up on the board!
Feeling a squeaky CLEAN today?
Post times and thoughts to comments ;)
Compare Times to 5/13 WOD "Elizabeth"
Feeling a squeaky CLEAN today?
Post times and thoughts to comments ;)
Compare Times to 5/13 WOD "Elizabeth"
Time was 15'??", - about 3 1/2 minutes slower than last time
I did the cleans at script weight! Last time I couldn't even get one clean at the script weight - so slower time, but heavier weight - I'm happy w/ that :)
You should be, there are very few that attempt the RX, some are afraid of "sweating" their hair! Right mama! LOL!
ReplyDeleteGood WOD! Short but sweet. Well, really short for some..like "X" and Michael who finished with 4' some. I did 11' something, and finish faster than last time. Although I do need to work more on my dips.
ReplyDeleteWell that 99lbs was too heavy. Managed to squeaky clean them up some how. Gotta work on those....have a problem doing them from the ground up...want to hanggggg clean. Dips need to get deeper too, but can keep pretty steady. 3 minutes slower than in May, but only cleaned 82lbs that time. today was 11'55"?? Thought it was 20 minutes, cause everyone else blew me away.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry RoseMary, I thought the same too. I think I was the last one to finish at noon. Jeremy is crazy..recovering from strep throat..he still managed to kill "Elizabeth!"
ReplyDeleteI wish I could have watched Jeremy, but I was too busy trying to lift that darn weight to even be aware of anything else. I'm sure that was a sight to see.
ReplyDeleteearned your name AGAIN.
Wish I could go but I m freeakin sick.
ReplyDeleteLOL Eduardo - yes well, if I had any hear to get sweaty then maybe I'd be worried about it! :)
ReplyDeleteGreat job RoseMary - you still killed my time and did the dips RX on top of it!
Jeremy - welcome to the FREAK club . . .
Robert - hope you feel better! Whatcha got?