New WOD today...lets see what Eduardo and Kevin had on their minds for a lil bit of Crossfit torture
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Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Wednesday 7/29/9 WOD #1018

Row..Row..Row...your boat...was the song we were singing while rowing..had to have a lil humor during the long rowing journey. Dr.Ejiro decided to challenge the 500m row after the WOD...he will challenge it again and this time probably not on a day we have 2k row! Great effort Dr.Ejiro!!
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Compare Time to June 19th
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Tuesday 7/28/09 WOD #1028

Crossfit Results

Crossfit Endurance Results
Wow what a turn out today!!
Great effort to everyone..those OH Squats are a challenge
Loved the crossfit endurance class,...well, except for Dr.Khan running out of nowhere and speeding up the pace...and there goes Jeremy, Michael, Yvonne and Pamela speeding up as well, which gave us a 3 minute wall sit penalty!! Buns were on fire!!
Post Times and Comments
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Saturday 7/25/9 WOD "Tabata #1"
Friday, July 24, 2009
Fri 7/24 WOD "Barbara"
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Wed 7/22 WOD #1011

I guess Eduardo and Kevin thought our place was getting a little bit dirty. . .
Cause they had us cleaning our asses off today! and running for our lives!!!
Brutal workout today, that that's the way we like them, right?
Shelby Gillespie (Molly's Daughter) has now officially been initiated as a Hard-Core Crossfitter!! She couldn't let her mom pass her on the final sprint, but her stomach had other plans . . . . rather than stopping to bend over and "settle her stomach", Shelby kept running, simultaneously leaving her breakfast in the parking lot alongside her! I guess it's a good thing Molly wasn't right on her heels!!!!
And Yes, she still managed to finish just before Molly . . . . Way to go Shelby!!!
Cause they had us cleaning our asses off today! and running for our lives!!!
Brutal workout today, that that's the way we like them, right?
Shelby Gillespie (Molly's Daughter) has now officially been initiated as a Hard-Core Crossfitter!! She couldn't let her mom pass her on the final sprint, but her stomach had other plans . . . . rather than stopping to bend over and "settle her stomach", Shelby kept running, simultaneously leaving her breakfast in the parking lot alongside her! I guess it's a good thing Molly wasn't right on her heels!!!!
And Yes, she still managed to finish just before Molly . . . . Way to go Shelby!!!
Compare Time to June 3rd
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Tuesday 7/21/09 WOD #1012
Monday, July 20, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Saturday 7/18/09 WOD "Annie are you ok?"
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Thursday 7/16/09 WOD "Karen"
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Wed 7/15 WOD #1025

Another great day at CC Crossfit! Make sure you bring your upper body strength for today's WOD!
RoseMary KILLED it this morning at RX all the way . . . because Molly and Christie wouldn't let her quit in the last set of dips!!! See Rose - we told you your arms/chest wouldn't literally explode ;)
Gloria and Blane kicked butt at 6am w/ the RX Bars too!!!
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RoseMary KILLED it this morning at RX all the way . . . because Molly and Christie wouldn't let her quit in the last set of dips!!! See Rose - we told you your arms/chest wouldn't literally explode ;)
Gloria and Blane kicked butt at 6am w/ the RX Bars too!!!
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Tues 7/14 WOD "Fran"

The biatch that we all LOVE to HATE!!!!
Xavier KILLED it this morning w/ a time of 4 something. . . you guys have some work to do to catch him this afternoon!
Jeremy here showing his bad self during lunch hour!! Pamela sure did take her lunch to CCCrossfit to watch the show!
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Compare Times to May 18th Fran Workout.
Here's a pic from Molly and Christie's weekend at the Games. They were with Kyle who was born without legs and arms - if you want to be TRULY inspired, search You Tube for a video of him doing burpees - he is absolutely amazing!!!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Monday 7/13/09 WOD "Cindy"
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday 7/11/09 WOD #1004
Molly and Pamela at the Crossfit Games 2008
Good luck to all the competitors at the Crossfit Games 2009
For more information on Crossfit Games, go to or
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Compare time to May 21, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Friday 7/10/09 WOD #1008

Wow!! What a workout! Those pull-ups were hard..and the wallballs were even harder after the pull-ups!
Great effort Skyler, hope your blisters heal from all those pull-ups
Hope Molly and Christie are having fun in Aromas, CA...they are at the 3rd Annual Crossfit Games
Compare to May 28th
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Thursday, July 9, 2009
Thursday 7/9/9 WOD #1024
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Wednesday 7/8/9 WOD #1009

Compare to 6/1/9 WOD #1009
Will give Delisa some credit for actually running a lap around the building during the WOD
The Women's Rx was 12lb, however several of us women wanted to tackle the Men's Rx of 20lb MB
Top Men w/Rx of 20lb MB:
- "X"avier 10'41"98
- Jeremy (BMF) 11'01"86
- Michael 11'02"10
Top Women w/Men's Rx of 20lb MB:
- Christie 11'36"21
- Molly 13'35"36
- Pam 13'42"06
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Tuesday 7/7/9 WOD #1023

A new WOD today
Great 6 & 7 am class today
6 am class was looking pretty sharp, thanks to Mr.Rob we had humor this morning (that guy is crazy funny)
Hope Gloria's friend enjoyed her first WOD
Jeremy and Michael looked like they were kicking butt this morning (during the 7 am class)
Lets see how noon & 5:30 class perform
Today was CCCrossfit first Crossfit Endurance Class...let us know how you enjoyed it
If you need any information about Crossfit Endurance, please feel free to ask Kevin or Eduardo
Post Your Time and Comments
Monday, July 6, 2009
Mon 7/6 WOD "Elizabeth"
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Friday 7/3 WOD "Angie"
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
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