What is CCCrossfit?

Glimpses of Crossfit Fun!


Hey Everyone! Be sure that you log in Every Day and post your times to the WOD Blog for that day!

We'll be assigning each WOD a number and including it in the blog titles so that you can easily locate a specific WOD when we do it again - this will allow you to compare your current time to previous times for that WOD.

Example - let's say that we assigned today's WOD # 1001. The Blog Title would read
"Thursday, 5/7 WOD# 1001".

When we do the same workout again in a month or so, we will post a note to compare your time to WOD 1001. Then, all you'll need to do is use the "Blog Search" function in the upper left hand corner or the Blog Archive to the right to locate the blogs from when we've previously done that WOD, and you can check all of your previous times for WOD # 1001! . . .but if you don't post your time to the comments, it won't be there for you to reference ;)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thur 5/21 WOD# 1004

So how fierce was the Crossfit Competition today???

I heard there was some running involved. . .Hope Robert brought is "A Game"!!

Post Times and Thoughts to Comments. . .

TOP TIMES (Updated 5/22/09)


  1. Orlando 10'17"71
  2. Dr. Jae 11'28"18
  3. Molly 11'34"75


  1. Molly 11'34"75
  2. Katie 11'59"90
  3. Diana 12'08"81


  1. Orlando 10'17"71
  2. Dr. Jae 11'28"18
  3. Tyler 13'33"66


  1. Where the hell was everybody? We need some new recruites for 7am! Good workout/i was sucking air..my goal would have been for Robert not to lap me on this one. Anyway, time was 11'something.


  2. Molly you were kicking some butt this morning, where was Roberta? Did not get to go in the evening..work thing :(

  3. Sorry to disapoint you girls. I know how sarge likes getting lapped by me, but I m still trying to recover from those dam blurpees.
    I ll be in tomorrow morning for some further torture.

  4. Matt wasn't able to go to crossfit today cause of too school stuff, so won't be in til 5:30 pm tomorrow. Was looking forward to working out with 7am crowd. Maybe one day next week.
