What is CCCrossfit?

Glimpses of Crossfit Fun!


Hey Everyone! Be sure that you log in Every Day and post your times to the WOD Blog for that day!

We'll be assigning each WOD a number and including it in the blog titles so that you can easily locate a specific WOD when we do it again - this will allow you to compare your current time to previous times for that WOD.

Example - let's say that we assigned today's WOD # 1001. The Blog Title would read
"Thursday, 5/7 WOD# 1001".

When we do the same workout again in a month or so, we will post a note to compare your time to WOD 1001. Then, all you'll need to do is use the "Blog Search" function in the upper left hand corner or the Blog Archive to the right to locate the blogs from when we've previously done that WOD, and you can check all of your previous times for WOD # 1001! . . .but if you don't post your time to the comments, it won't be there for you to reference ;)

Friday, May 29, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009 WOD "Diane"

WELL , WELL...There's a new girl in town, and no, it's not ROBERTA! VIDEO ON IT'S WAY!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thursday May 28, 2009 WOD #1008

Good Times and good times!!! KIM POOLE is in the house...we have found a ROWER! Kim beat our record holder queen Christie by 1 second....hmmm...i would bet that Christie will challenge that! THE RACE IS ON!!!
1. Brandon 17'29"
2. Xavier 23'40"
(ok...that's all that did RX....let's shoot for RX next time!!!)
WE ALL NEED TO WORK ON PULLUPS!!! Come a few minutes early, stay a few minutes late...work on those pullups...use the bands first, green, blue then black and work on that kip swing!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday May 27, 2009; WOD #1007

It was a short, but very intense WOD! Awesome turnout!
1. Michael P. 4'43"
2. Jeremy M. 5'05"
3. Jae K. 6'02"
1. Rosemary F. 8'16"
2. Molly G. 9'11"
3. Christie T. 13'48"
1. Michael P. 4'43"
2. Jeremy M. 5'05"
3. Jae K. 6'02"

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

May 26, 2009 "BADGER"

Wow! No one should miss this one! AWESOME WOD!!!
1. Jeremy M. 28'04"
2. Molly G. 34'48"
3. Rosemary F. 36'55"
1. Molly G. 34'48"
2. Rosemary F. 36'55"
3. Christie T. 43'44"
1. Jeremy M. 28'04"
2. Xavier 39'24"
3. Michael P. 46'40"

Monday, May 25, 2009

May 25, 2009 "Filthy Fifty"

Holiday? Yes, Memorial Day....we never take a break and either does the military...We honor our FALLEN HEROS today! Was a good workout and a good turnout!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sat 5/23 WOD# 1006

WOW - what a great group this morning!!

Steve from San Antonio represented Alamo Crossfit well!

Trisha, Cole, and Debbie - you guys did AWESOME too! Cole - make sure you stretch those hamstrings well this weekend so that they'll be ready to go at it again on Monday;)

Amber & Kim - you guys maintained full range of motion on those cleans all the way through to the last set - Great job!

Molly didn't let a little thing like bloodied knees stop her from showing the burpees who was boss!

Diana and Delisa (aka currently reigning "burpee queens") once again somehow managed to make their burpees look effortless . . . . . well, what we could see of them anyway. . . they were doing them so fast it was all kindof a blur! I wanna be like them when I grow up!

See you all on Monday - don't forget - limited Memorial Day Schedule - Only Two Classes Monday - 9am and 12pm.

Post Times and Thoughts to comments :)



  1. Molly 16'56"46
  2. Pam 17'26"80
  3. Katy 17'33"31


  1. "Sarge" 16'56"46
  2. Pam 17'26"80
  3. Katy 17'33"31


  1. "San Antonio Steve" 17'49"00
  2. Michael 18'55"23
  3. Matt 20'18"32

Friday, May 22, 2009

Fri 5/22/09 WOD# 1005

Awesome WOD today!

Great job by the entire "Portland Crew" in the 5am class - you guys ROCKED it!

Jay Lynn (sp?) - you ARE a runner girl!

And a little birdie told me that there's a new 500m Row Record - sorry Pam! Guess you'll have to challenge it . . but may not be the smartest thing to go all out in the first round of Today's WOD. . . just ask Christie . . . She nearly had to throw in the towel after round 2!!

Post Times and Thoughts to Comments.

TOP TIMES (Updated 5/23/09)
  1. "San Antonio Steve" 18'26"16
  2. Dr. Jae 20'39"13
  3. Dr. K 21'26"12
  1. Yvonne 22'37"08
  2. Rose Mary 22'47"32
  3. LynAnn 22'56"02
  1. Steve 18'26"16
  2. Dr. Jae 20'39"13
  3. Dr. K 21'26"12

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thur 5/21 WOD# 1004

So how fierce was the Crossfit Competition today???

I heard there was some running involved. . .Hope Robert brought is "A Game"!!

Post Times and Thoughts to Comments. . .

TOP TIMES (Updated 5/22/09)


  1. Orlando 10'17"71
  2. Dr. Jae 11'28"18
  3. Molly 11'34"75


  1. Molly 11'34"75
  2. Katie 11'59"90
  3. Diana 12'08"81


  1. Orlando 10'17"71
  2. Dr. Jae 11'28"18
  3. Tyler 13'33"66

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wed 5/20 WOD "100 Burpees"

Haha- wouldn't YOU like to know what today's workout is!

Guess you'll have to go to this evening's class to find out!

I will say this though - BIG HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Delisa and Diana for KILLING IT!!! You guys are amazing!

Still want a hint about today's WOD. . oh, okay - here ya go:

**EDITED 11pm - Blog title updated to reflect workout now that the day is over & no one can conveniently decide to skip all of the burpee fun!

TOP TIMES (Updated 5/22/09)

  1. Diana 6'09"25 (NEW RECORD)
  2. Michael 6'21"82 (NEW RECORD)
  3. Delisa 6'28"06 (NEW RECORD)


  1. Diana 6'09"25
  2. Delisa 6'28"06
  3. Molly 6'37"81


  1. Michael 6'21"79
  2. Dr. K 6'52"82
  3. Xavier 7'18"77

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tue 5/19 WOD "Mini Ninja"

Lil Ninja didn't feel quite so little this morning!

Post thoughts and times to comments :)

A few pics from today's 6 and 7am class (just a little tease. . . you'll have to come in to see ALL the fun that this Ninja's got in store for you!)

Mary Shows us how the Squat is done!

**EDITED 5/20 to correct workout name. . .It's "Mini Ninja", not "Lil Ninja" . . doh!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Mon 5/18 WOD "Fran"

So, how did Fran treat YOU today???

Post time and thoughts to comments.

Sorry no pics today. . Fran whooped my butt so hard that I forgot all about the camera!

Top Times (Updated 5/19/09):


  1. Pam 7'03"74
  2. Michael 7'14"22
  3. Robert 7'53"33


  1. Pam 7'03"74
  2. Rose Mary 9'35"86
  3. Christie 14'10"67


  1. Michael 7'14"22
  2. Roberty 7'53"33
  3. Marcus 9'40"92

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Beach to Bay!

CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who ran in the Beach to Bay Relay Marathon this weekend!!! CC Crossfit was well represented, both by the two teams we had running, and by CC Crossfit members on teams with their co-workers and friends.

Anyone that was at Cole Park after the race knows what a MADHOUSE it was - we had a hard time finding everyone for a group picture, but we managed to round up a few CC Crossfitters for a quick group picture (Above).

We don't know all of the results yet, but a few highlights of the day were:

  • CC Crossfit team "534" completed the race in under 4 hours! (3:57 or 58 to be exact).

  • Robert ran with a group of his friends, but turned in an AMAZING time of 24 minutes for leg 5! That averages out to 6 MINUTE MILES!! - Dang Roberta, we think you've been holding something back in those running WODs ;)

OFFICIAL RESULTS!! (from Beach to Bay Website):
  • CC Crossfit Team "534" (Starla, Yvonne, Molly, LynAnne, Christie, Matt) finished the race in 3:58:30. They placed 72nd in the Odds and Ends category, and 336th overall (out of 1,980 teams!!!)
  • CC Crossfit Team "533" (Cynthia, Marcus, Dr. Khan, Dr. Acebo, Brandy, and Rosemary) finished the race in 4:30:57. They placed 285th in the Odds and Ends category, and 842nd overall (again, out of 1,980 teams!)
  • The team that Robert ran on "The Old Man and the Seeds" finished in a blistering 2:50:28! They placed 7th in the Men's Open category, and 19th Overall!
  • The team that Delisa, X-man, and Allison ran on "CC Crossfit Scrubs" finished the race in 4:52:34. They placed 474th in the Odds and Ends category, and 1,252 overall :)

If you know of or have any additional highlights or pictures that we can add to the blog, please email them to cccrossfit@gmail.com. We'll update this post later this evening, and again Sunday afternoon :)

Hope everyone had a great time - rest up, eat carbs (hehehe), and recover this weekend, and we'll see you at Crossfit on Monday!

PIC UPDATE (Courtesy of Delisa)

Top: Delisa & Xman, Middle: Delisa & Marcus, Bottom: Delisa & Dianne

Friday, May 15, 2009

Fri 5/15 WOD "Baby Ruth"

So was today's WOD as sweet as the pic above?? lol
Post Times and Thoughts to Comments :)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thur 5/14 WOD "Freaking Time!"

Here's today's blog entry so that everyone can post their comments, times, and harrassment :)

I wasn't at CF this morning (resting up for Beach to Bay!), so I didn't get any pictures, but here's one for Delisa, Pam, Molly, Eduardo, and Rose Mary . . . See. . . it CAN be done! lol

Jeremy's MuscleUp!!

Congratulations to Jeremy who got his FIRST MUSCLEUP last week!!!

Molly caught the last part of it on video, so we're posting it here :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wed 5/13 WOD "Elizabeth"

Hey CC Crossfitters - Thoughts on Elizabeth???

Big Welcome to Marlo - great job today at 7am girl!

For those of you who haven't met Marlo yet - here's a pic of her showing off her amazing flexibility!! - Be sure to welcome our soon-to-be newest Crossfit Addict next time you run into her ;)

And here's Molly and Christie dippity-dippin in the 7am class . . . . WE MISSED YOU AGAIN THIS MORNING ROBERTA!!!!

Post Times and Thoughts on WOD to Comments.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tue 5/12 WOD "Helen"

More Pullups??? Hell Yeah!
Helen's a biatch, but we love her anyway!
Great job Xavier for RXing every last one of those Pullups this morning!

This is what Christie looked like by the end of the third lap:

Meanwhile Molly and Dayna looked like they could have run 50 more!

Post your times and comments about today's workout to comments :)

TOP TIMES (Updated 05/13/09):

  1. Robert 8'36"15 (New RECORD)
  2. Michael 9'08"00
  3. Molly 10'00"03


  1. Molly 10'00"03
  2. Christie 10'22"92


  1. Robert 8'36"15
  2. Michael 9'08"00
  3. Xavier 12'41"02

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mon 5/11 WOD "Negotiator"

Tough WOD today, but major Kudos to Pam and Molly for completing the entier WOD w/ the RX'd MEN'S weight!

And there's controversy brewing . . . Roberta claims to have "won" over Sarge b/c he posted up a better time, however Molly claims that technically SHE won b/c she lifted more as a percentage of her Body Weight. . . hmm. . tough call! Regardless - great job to BOTH of you for posting up great times w/ the MEN'S weight!!!!

A few pics of today's 6 and 7 AM-ers are below for your viewing pleasure :)


Top Times (Updated 05/12/09):

  1. Jeremy 13'27"67
  2. Robert 14'52"34
  3. Michael 15'03"00


  1. Pam 19'09"87 (99 lbs - MENS weight!)
  2. Molly 19'27"03 (99 lbs - MENS weight!)
  3. Christie 23'12"61


  1. Jeremy 13'27"67
  2. Robert 14'52"34
  3. Michael 15'03"00

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sat 5/9 WOD "Boredom"

HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Jeremy for getting his first Muscle Up Today!!!

Top Times (Updated 05/11/09)


  1. Jeremy 11'20"61
  2. Rose Mary 11'33"33
  3. TIE Irma & Xavier 12'54"64


  1. Rose Mary 11'33"33
  2. Irma 12'54"64
  3. Molly 14'53"33


  1. Jeremy 11'20"61
  2. Xavier 12'54"64
  3. Dr. K 13'40"75

Friday, May 8, 2009

Friday 05/08 WOD# 1003

Nice, Short and Sweet WOD today! - How did everyone do?

Congrats to JILL and IRMA for conquering Lil' B this morning!!!

Robert, Michael, and Christie kicked butt in the 7am class today!
Robert had some serious hang-time going on w/ his double unders. . .

RX weight across the board on the KB swings (I guess Robert left Roberta at home today!)

Notice Kevin watching us like a hawk to make sure we drop down enough to "feel the burn" on those darn Waiter Walks!

And while Christie had taken the lead during the double unders, Michael snuck up and stole it from her by busting out his Lil' B's at lightening speed!

Hard to believe that less than 10 minutes of exercise produces THESE kind of results, huh???


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thursday 5/7 WOD# 1002

So . . . Thoughts on Today's WOD . . How'd you do??

Big Welcome to Jessica who ROCKED all the new lifts - looks like we've got a new Crossfit Addict on our hands ;)

Michael decided to show Robert what the men's weight is SUPPOSED to look like!

And Pam KILLED the 5K on the Rower - Pam what was your final time girl - you were pulling the HELL out of it!!

TOP TIMES (Updated 05/08/09):


  1. Michael - 25'20"49

**Michael was the ONLY person to complete today's WOD at RX!! - Great Job Michael!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wed 5/6 WOD# 1001

500 meter Row
21 Burpees
1 Lap

3 Rounds for time

Post your times and friendly banter to comments :)

(Roberta kicked our butts this morning at 7AM!!)

TOP TIMES (Updated 05/07/09):

  1. Robert - 16'27"99
  2. Dr. Jae - 16'41"47
  3. Carlos - 17'43"80


  1. Molly "Sarge" - 18'07"02
  2. Katie - 18'27"00
  3. Christie - 19'36"76


  1. Robert - 16'27"99
  2. Dr. Jae - 16'41"47
  3. Carlos - 17'43"80