New WOD today
Another great day at CCCrossfit today...
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Another great day at CCCrossfit today...
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An open Blog for CC Crossfitters to discuss WODs and upcoming CC Crossfit events. Don't be shy - Join the Fun! As of November 1st, please arrive 5 minutes prior to the scheduled class to start medicine ball warm-up. The Crossfit class will begin at time scheduled with some added drills and warm-ups by Eduardo and Kevin. Thank you.
I liked this WOD. The only problem is that i mis-counted my MB-Cleans. In my mind I thought it was 25 wallsballs, 25 MB's and 25 burpees. I had to confess, but at least i was pardoned and did not have to go to the torture chamber. Next time we do MB's I will add 25 to my count.