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Glimpses of Crossfit Fun!


Hey Everyone! Be sure that you log in Every Day and post your times to the WOD Blog for that day!

We'll be assigning each WOD a number and including it in the blog titles so that you can easily locate a specific WOD when we do it again - this will allow you to compare your current time to previous times for that WOD.

Example - let's say that we assigned today's WOD # 1001. The Blog Title would read
"Thursday, 5/7 WOD# 1001".

When we do the same workout again in a month or so, we will post a note to compare your time to WOD 1001. Then, all you'll need to do is use the "Blog Search" function in the upper left hand corner or the Blog Archive to the right to locate the blogs from when we've previously done that WOD, and you can check all of your previous times for WOD # 1001! . . .but if you don't post your time to the comments, it won't be there for you to reference ;)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wed 3/24/10 WOD #1092

Post times to comments!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good stuff today! I love working on lifts! 39'00"48 with 133lbs and a torn up hand. I wanted to work on form mostly, so I'll take it for now...

  3. I did not think I was going to complete this WOD. Cindy is one of my favorite workouts, but those clean and jerks were tough to do. I was glad when I finally reached 10. I really like the work outs that push you and make you feel you just can't finish, but when you finally do finish you feel like you can handle anything that comes your way.

  4. Ok..school..and work is getting in the way of my WOD's...oh..no! Wish I could have done this one

  5. Ok, so we like Cindy, but having to see her 10 times was a bit much. She was a challenge, but did it in 31mins i think...

  6. My first day back in 4 days and this WOD was well WOW!! Great workout it kicked my ass along with my arms and shoulders!! Those clean and jerks are killer, my first time doing them so I had to learn on the fly but I think I handled them well!! Like Mary I didn't think I was going to finish, glad I had Susanna there, thanks girl!!
